The best online method for your fertility

Privacy Policy

We should herewith like to inform you that the company BeFertile Online c/o Praxis für Akupunktur und Chinesische Arzneimittel Amthausstrasse 8 CH-4143 Dornach (further on called the “Society”) will submit to treatment the data concerning yourself and which you have already communicated or which you or others will be communicating in the future to us. Treatment of your data will be practiced with due respect to the rules and regulations in force and at the following conditions:

1. Purpose of the treatment

Treatment of customers' data aims exclusively at the following attainments:

  1. preliminary necessities for drawing up sales contracts, to enable their execution and for the protection of the credit positions resulting thereof;
  2. in order to fulfil any kind of obligation provided for in laws or regulations in force;
  3. for operative, managerial and book-keeping reasons;
  4. for registration of the number of accesses to the Society's website and to know how the services performed on this site are being used;
  5. for the necessities of monitoring the proceedings in relation to customers a/o the risks connected therewith, and in order to improve those relationships;
  6. for commercial purposes and strategic and operative marketing purposes.

2. Modality of treatment

Treatment of data, besides being collected, can consist of registration, conservation, modification, communication, cancellation, diffusion etc., and can be done by both using paper support and the help of electronic informatic and telematic methods, according to the suitable ways and instruments which can guarantee security and the confidential nature of the data.
In particular, there will be adopted all the technical, infomatical organizational, logistical measures to guarantee at least a minimum of protection of the data as provided by law.
Furthermore, the methodologies in use will guarantee that access to the data is consented only to persons put in charge of treatment by our Society.

3. Conferring data

Conferring of data is:

  1. binding for achieving the purposes in connection with legal obligations or other binding regulations;
  2. necessary for correctly setting up and continuing the relationship taken up with you.

An eventual refusal to pass on the above-mentioned data, even if this is certainly legittimate, could endanger the regular development of your relationship with our Society and, in particular, could make it impossible for us to deal with your orders or render you the services you asked for, and to invoice you.

4. Communication and diffusion of data

Communication to the outside of your data for the purposes mentioned under point 1 can occur only if:

  1. such communication is binding to ensure compliance with the law or other binding regulations;
  2. such communication is binding to ensure a correct setting up and the continuation of the business relationship with you.

The data gathered to fulfil the above-mentioned purposes can be communicated to public or privat persons – as long as they act by their specific competence, including those having external relationships to person who carry out specific assignments for the account of the Society.
The data can be communicated to the following categories of persons: commercial net, banks and societies specialized in payment management, lawyers' offices, consulting offices, persons charged with revision of our Society's balance sheet, public authorities or administrations, those who fulfil the law, swiss and foreign furnishers, financing and transport companies, third parties who perfom control over the quality of logistical and commercial flow.
Likewise, the data can be distributed, however, only in attached, anonymous appearance, for statistical purposes.

5. Transfer of data abroad

As far as strictly necessary for the accomplishment of the contract set up with you, your data can be communicated to third parties (like furnishers) residing abroad, inside or outside the European Union.

6. Rights of the interested party

Besides, you are entitled to:

  1. receive confirmation of the existence or non-existence of data concering you and to be informed thereof in a clear style;
  2. receive from the owner or the person responsible of treatment:
    i) indications about where your data come from, on purpose and modality of treatment, on the logics used in case treatment is carried out with the use of electronic instruments;
    ii) indications about the essential elements identifying the owner of treatment or of the persons responsible, as well as eventual delegates assigned by a person not familiar with the treatment of the data in Italy;
    iii) indications about the persons or groups of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who could get to know them, being appointed representatives on the territory of a state, their persons responsilbe or in charge.
  3. you are entitled to receive:
    i) an update, rectification or integration of data regarding yourself;
    ii) cancellation, transformation into an anonymous shape or blocking off the data, treatment of which breaks the law, including those data for which there is no necessitiy to be kept in relation to the purposes for which the data have been collected and afterwards treated;
    iii) a certificate proving that the operations mentioned under i) and ii) have been made known, also as far as their contents are concerned, to those to whom the data were communicated or diffused, except in the case that such achievement is impossible or would cause an employment of labour evidently out of proportion compared with the tutelary right.
  4. You have the right to raise an objection against all or parts of:
    i) treatment of your data, for legittimate reasons, even when relevant to the purpose of collecting them;
    ii) treatment of your data to be used as commercial information or for distribution as publicity material or direct selling or else for market research or commercial communication.

The above-mentioned rights can be exercised directly or through a person you put in charge.

7. Owner and person responsible

Furthermore we confirm that the owner of treatment rights is BeFertile Online c/o Praxis für Akupunktur und Chinesische Arzneimittel Amthausstrasse 8 CH-4143 Dornach, in the person of the legal representative Maria Isabel Bühler-Granados.

8. Approval to treatment

At last, we should like to inform you that your approval to treatment of your data in the ways and for the purposes as mentioned above is optional. In case you deny your approval, our Society will not be able to treat your data, but only use them in compliance with legal obligations or with other regulations in force with the eventual consequences described under point 3 above.


Areas of Expertise

We are specialized in Naturopathy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Dietetics and Integrated Psychotherapy.
© 2024 BeFertile Online